Financial planning for ABA and autism service provider companies (video)

Paper with financial charts and piggy bank and calculator on top.

This free video talks through considerations in financial planning for ABA and autism service provider companies. *See comments below*

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Very important disclaimers:

The numbers used in this demonstration/webinar are for illustrative purposes only, and do not imply suggested numbers in any capacity.

The numbers being used in this video are only for the sake of being able to run calculations to demonstrate how you may do your budgeting and financial projections. They do NOT reflect any particular combination of numbers for a give region. I specifically did not use all rates and expenses that apply to a given region to avoid any implications as to numbers one should use in any specific region.

This process involves starting with some numbers, then adjusting numbers to get to the margins you need to run a quality and ethically sound provider agency. For example, we discuss how you can find starting points for rates by looking up publically avialable rates such as medicaid and Tricare. We also discuss how you can find starting points for expenses by means of looking on job posting sites like HOWEVER, the next and very important step is that you adjust those rates and expenses to find adequate margins to meet your company’s specific operational needs. So, just finding Medicaid rates and marking those up by a certain percentage is NOT going to be sufficient in this process, nor is that what I am recommending at all.

It is imperative you understand these factors and run numbers based on your own research for your own company needs in your own region(s). Even within a given region, two providers may want or need to use different rates for various reasons. For example, one may have a different organizational structure and therefore may need higher or lower rates than their competitor(s).

Again, the numbers used are for illustrative purposes only, and do not imply suggested numbers in any capacity.

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