Accountability and ROI for the services we deliver

Handshake over a table

People pay a lot for our services. As both clinicians and clinic operators, we have to ask ourselves when we’ve delivered.

My perspective has changed over time on this, and in general on what qualifies as good “science as a service”. I used to be more focused on things like preciseness of data collection, technical accuracy and verbal behavior of my clinical team, teasing apart the conditions and contingencies in our analyses and treatment plans, and a great deal of reinforcement was derived from looking at or “consuming” graphic displays with desired trends. 

While these things are important, I evaluate whether I’ve delivered on different metrics now. Now, I feel I’ve delivered when I could show positive outcomes for the following across my practice:

  1. *Patient and client satisfaction and experience*
  2. *Clinical outcome measures*
  3. Procedural fidelity
  4. Interobserver agreement 
  5. Demonstration of functional relations (in practice could be as simple as reversal probes, or something comparable, here and there. I will discuss this another time). 

Together, these 5 things tell a story… and it goes a little something like this…

“We’ve shown that while working with us, therapeutic progress has been made. My client and specifically my patient agree that changes made were meaningful to them, and that they enjoyed working with us! We’ve demonstrated that we implemented what we said we would, we’ve accurately tracked and reported progress, and that changes made were a direct result of working with us and not something else. 

Put differently, we’ve shown our clients a solid return on investment and a positive customer experience for engaging with our team for our services. 

Brandon Herscovitch, Ph.D., LABA, BCBA-D

Partners Behavioral Health can help with your clinical and business standards, compliance, and outcomes. We can help you scale an ethical ABA practice you’re proud about. DM me for more information.

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